Sunday, November 25, 2012

10.2- Impervious

Wocab Word-  Impervious

Where I found it- I heard this word while playing a video game- Assassin's Creed III. One of the charatcers told another character that "the enemy's defense is not impervious to our offenses". This is a long and complex game, so unfortunately i would not be able to give you a specifc location of where this was said, other than towards the beginning of the story line in the game.

This was also a word in Siegel's Multimodality article, but I thought that it would be worth noting that I came across this interesting word twice in a week.

Definition- Merriam Webster defines impervious as:
1 a: not allowing entrance or passage : impenetrable <a coat impervious to rain>
  b: not capable of being damaged or harmed <a carpet impervious to rough treatment>
2: not capable of being affected or disturbed <impervious to criticism>
In the context of the story in my game, definition 1b would be most appropriate.

Familiarity- I have heard this word before in social studies/history classes and knew what the word meant. Given this video game takes place during the American Revolution, it bolstered my understanding.

Reflective Commentary- I just happen to like this word, impervious, but i do not see any reason why it should be a "must-know" word or if it has any real significance to teaching, but it certainly could be used in a educational context.

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